I animated on this beautiful stop-frame film, commissioned by Corona Mexico and Observatory, directed by Nicolas Menard and produced by Nexus Studios. Inspired by the art of Pedro Friedeberg, this film illustrates complex histological events boiled down into 4'x3' dioramas. We worked with Andy Gent’s team (Isle of Dogs) at Arch Model Studio to design, create and animate a cast of 71 miniature characters, 8 detailed sets and 350 individually made miniature glass bottles. The music is composed by Bridget Samuels and recorded at Air Studios.
Check out the making of: vimeo.com/326534667/29bc784eed
Client: Corona, Mexico.
Chief Executive Officer: Carlos Lisboa
BU Chief of Marketing: Carlos Ranero
Brand Marketing Manager: Clarissa Pantoja
Communications Manager: Alejandro Gershberg
Connections Director: Javier Garcia
Experiential Marketing Manager: Rodolfo Vargas
Content Marketing Manager: Cesar Alcantara
Project Leader: Susana Medina
Agency: Observatory Marketing
Co-Chief Creative Officer: Todd Hunter
Creative Directors: Jessica Hundley & Nicole McDonald
Head of Production: Chris Totushek
Producer: Lula Fotis
Senior Brand Director: Erin Heyns
Brand Executive: Mack Montague
Production Company: Nexus Studios
ECD / Co-Founder: Chris O’Reilly
Director: Nicolas Ménard
Executive Producer: Luisa Murray
Producer: Jo Bierton
Production Manager: Rebecca Archer
Lead / Supervisor: Nico Domerego
Art Director: Jack Cunningham
Character Design: James Graham
Graphic Design: Cecilia Serafini
Design: Jamie Jones & Sarah Deane
Environment Design: Callum Strachan & Antoine Perez
Character Modellers: Andy Hickinbottom & Matt Clark
3D Generalists: Heloise Courtois, Victori Jalabert, Maxime Dartois, Zach Pindolia, Jerémie Cottard, Chloe Plat
2D Animation: Isaac Holland & Duncan Gist
Director of Photography: Malcolm Hadley
Camera Assistant: Mark Swaffield
Gaffer: Tim O'connell
Moco: Stuart Galloway
Rigging: Justin Pentecost
Spark: Max Milner
Strike Spark: Daniel Ansell
Puppet and Set Fabrication: Andy Gent
Art Department: Marina Ralph, Mick Chippington, Josie Corben, Magda Madra, Sofia Serrano, Mark Fisher, Vaida Klimaviciute, Claudia Brignalezi, Angela Pang, Louise Pratt, Andrew Saunders, Tom James, Gavin Richards, Claire Middleton, Claudia Brugnaletti, Jade Gerrard, Clea Raguideau, Angela Chorlton, Roy Bell, Annick Bosson, Beth Quinton, Fiona Stewart, Grant Humberstone, Ola Kucharska, Michael Nowacki, Mitch Barnes, Colin Armitage, Duncan Mude
Practical Lighting: Gary Welch
Runner: Chiara De Propis
Stop Frame Lead Animator: Tobias Fouracre
Stop Frame Animators: Matthew Cooper & Max Martin
BTS Cameraman: Thomas Heleta & Mark Van Heusden
BTS Photographer: Jacob Robinson
First Aid: Darren Boyling
Post Production: Freefolk
Lead Flame Artist: Steve Murgatroyd
Flame Artists: Brandon Danowski & Andy Copping
Nuke Artist: Rob Sheridan
Colourist: Duncan Russell
Post Producer: Laura Ricketts
Shooting Studio: Black Island
Lighting Equipment: Panalux
Camera Equipment: Clapham Road Studios
Editor: David Slade
Assistant Editor: Bruno Collins
Music: Bridget Samuels
Sound Design And Mix: Barking Owl