I animated on a series of films directed by Alex Grigg and Joe Pelling at Blink Ink. Featuring the comedic talents of Tim Key and Ellie White and written by the fine people at Anomaly, these snappy films promote the use of 100% renewable electricity and will make you smile.
Agency: Anomaly
Creative Director: Vix Jagger
Creatives: Jenny Kang, Whitney Ruef
Agency Producer: Daisy Mellors
Production Company: Blinkink
Directors: Alex Grigg & Joe Pelling
Executive Producer: Bart Yates
Producer: Alex Halley
Production Coordinator: Maria Kolandawel
Design: Alex Grigg
Animation: Isaac Holland, James Hatley,
Andrew Clarke, Ed Roberts.
2D Clean Up: Ash Wu, Eleonora Quario,
Rebbeca Perrone, Michael Douglas.
Lead Compositor: Simone Ghilardotti
Sound Design: Soundtree
Music: Soundtree